
The title of this page, “You’ll feel this for the rest of your life” is a line from my favorite short story, A&P by John Updike. It’s been my favorite for as long as I can remember.

Oddly enough, I’ve never read anything else by Updike.

I find that as a reader, I tend to speed through books. I think it’s a result of those Goodreads yearly goals. I usually set a goal then divide it by 12, so I know how much I need to read each month. If I haven’t kept up with my monthly quota, I can feel the anxiety setting in. Reading this way – urgently and hurriedly – has made it a lot harder to enjoy a hobby that I normally find relaxing and fun.

My goal with this blog is to slow down my reading, and use the blog to take notes on the books I’m reading. I’d do it in the books themselves (yes, I write in margins) but I do most of my reading on my phone or my Kindle, so it doesn’t have the same effect.


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