Becky Boer

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3 Things: Fish in a Tree

Fish in a Tree by Lynda Mullally Hunt Poor Ally. So many times, I wanted to scream at her “Just say what you’re thinking!” She thought the right things all the time, but she couldn’t tell anyone how she felt. That would’ve solved so many problems so much sooner! Mr. Daniels! Oh, I loved Mr. Daniels. Travis’ storyline just broke my heart. To be in high school and know he can’t read well… to know how far behind you are and see so many roadblocks  ...

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3 Things: Bone Gap

Bone Gap by Laura Ruby I had heard so much about Bone Gap that I was dying to read it. I didn’t really know anything about the plot, but it did not live up to my expectations. I didn’t realize, going into it, that the book featured magical realism. My favorite author is Haruki Murakami – magical realism really isn’t a problem for me. But it seemed difficult to get a hold on in this book. The descriptions were vague. It seemed too much like a dream, where you can  ...

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3 Things: A Sudden Light

A Sudden Light by Garth Stein I wanted to read this for a long time, then unexpectedly came across it on my library’s digital download site. It was not at all what I expected. I don’t typically read ghost stories, and that’s exactly what this was. The names “Brother Jones” and “Sister Serena” only hinted at the complete weirdness of this family. Especially Serena. Her over-the-top dramatics and her pure meanness towards her father made me hate her  ...

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3 Things: Shoeless Joe

Shoeless Joe by W.P. Kinsella My dad loved baseball. I grew up going to my cousins’ baseball games and watching the Braves on TV. Ever since my daddy died, I’ve felt like baseball kind of connects me to him. When I found out that this book was the basis for Field of Dreams I decided to read it right away. I had no idea that J.D. Salinger is a character in this book! Apparently they weren’t allowed to use him in the movie, which is where James Earl Jones as Terrence Mann  ...

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