Becky Boer

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Blogging Challenge Day 4: What do you love about teaching?

Respond: What do you love the most about teaching? My students. My students are, by far, the best part about my job. Sure, there are some who are difficult. There are some kids who don’t want to be at school. But ultimately, no matter how difficult they can be, every kid needs an adult who advocates for him or her. For some kids, I am the only one. In ten years, I’ve taught roughly 250 kids. I still think about those kids every day. Several of those students are my Facebook  ...

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Blogging Challenge Day 3: Observation

Discuss one “observation” area that you would like to improve on for your teacher evaluation. This is a difficult question for me to answer! There are lots of things I’d like to improve in my teaching, but in terms of observation areas, it’s tough. In ten years of teaching, I’ve been observed about four times, total. Three of those times were in the past two years! So I don’t feel like I’ve gotten much feedback from which to improve. However, I try to reflect  ...

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Blogging Challenge Day 2: Technology

Write about one piece of technology that you would like to try this year, and why. You might also write about what you’re hoping to see out of this edtech integration. I mentioned technology in my post yesterday about classroom goals. I know that I don’t use technology as effectively as I should, and that is in large part due to the fact that I’m just not as skilled with it as I should be. However, I’m doing a disservice to my students if I let my own incompetencies affect  ...

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Blogging Challenge Day 1: Goals

Write your goals for the school year. Be as specific or abstract as you’d like to be! One of the most important jobs we have as teachers is to reflect on our school year and set new goals accordingly. Even veteran teachers (should) know that even the most successful practices can always benefit from revisions and adaptations. > Begin with the end in mind. – Stephen Covey I believe that when setting goals, you should consider your outcome first. You obviously have a reason for  ...

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