Becky Boer

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About me


Blogging Challenge Day 8 : In my desk drawer

What’s in your desk drawer, and what can you infer from those contents? More pens than I will ever be able to use – I love office supplies. Sticky notes of every color, shape, and size – My students know that I love office supplies. Notes from the office – I have a small “deal with this later” pile. I have to put it in a certain spot so that I do deal with it later; otherwise, I’ll forget it. A Tide-to-go pen – I can be messy sometimes. Also, so are  ...

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Meet the Teacher!

Tomorrow will be my first day back at work. On Wednesday, I’ll meet my students at registration. I’m super excited! I love the beginning of the year, when we’re all getting to know one another. So… here I am! My name is Becky (obviously!) and I teach fifth grade ELA and social studies. This will be my tenth year of teaching, and I teach at the same school where I did my internship. I love it! In the past, I’ve taught 4th and 5th grades, and reading  ...

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