Becky Boer

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Big cities

“The lights were off, but everything was visible thanks to the residual lights of the Freedom Tower, the Patrick Batemans cursing off their computers at Goldman Sachs’s sprawling headquarters, and I could see Luke’s eyes were open. You can’t find a pitch-black room in New York, another reason I love it here—the light from the outside world streaming in at all hours, assuring me there is someone awake, someone who could help me if something bad were to happen.”

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Cathy Ames, East of Eden

I love Cathy Ames. Despite the fact that she’s completely horrible, I still love her character. She’s the first one I chose when I decided to do a Book Style post. I think that when it comes to fashion, more than anything, Cathy is classy. I chose a black midi skirt to start with, with a soft, chunky knit sweater. It shows that while she runs the house, her services aren’t for sale, so she doesn’t have to dress for her customers. I thought that the lace-up booties  ...

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Year of Yes

I really enjoyed this book. A lot. But Shonda Rhimes uses this weird sentence construction all the time. That thing where a person starts a sentence with a question when it really shouldn’t be a question. Let me give you some examples from Shonda herself. “My mother? Looks incredible.” “And that yes? Turned out to be something much more terrifying.” I could keep going. I really could. I counted as I read, and she did it 69 times. But you get the idea. She also  ...

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Everything You Want Me to Be

I finished this book a few days ago, but it has stuck with me ever since. It’s been a while since I’ve read something that I’ve enjoyed this much! I loved the fact that the story was told from three different points of view. Hattie is dead, but throughout the book we’re given the story in her words, seeing it in through her eyes. It’s an interesting technique that makes it easier to forgive Hattie’s transgressions, because we know what’s going to  ...

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