Becky Boer

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Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie


Americanah, 43.58%

Why am I always so afraid of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie? I really should learn that every single time I’ve been hesitant to read a work, because I’m afraid that I’m not smart enough or I just won’t get it, I’ve been able to “get it” just fine. I mean, remember the Dostoyevsky experience? “For a long time, I didn’t read Dostoyevsky because I thought I wasn’t smart enough.” So there’s that. Anyway, this is the fourth book  ...

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Dear Ijeawele

And please reject the language of help. Chudi is not “helping” you by caring for his child. He is doing what he should. When we say fathers are “helping,” we are suggesting that child care is a mother’s territory, into which fathers valiantly venture. It is not. Can you imagine how many more people today would be happier, more stable, better contributors to the world, if only their fathers had been actively present in their childhood? And never say that Chudi  ...

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