Becky Boer

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Differentiation vs. Standardization – They go together!

Something has been bothering me for a while. I’ve seen it everywhere, from Facebook to blogs to Instagram. It’s this: I see that, and I immediately get frustrated. I have some questions/concerns for the people posting this meme. I’d like to ask these people – Is that meant to be a rhetorical question? I assume it is. I mean, if not – if it’s an actual, serious, “I’m confused about this” question – then I’m not sure the asker  ...

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Grouping Students

I love it when my kids work together to solve problems. You can really see the thought processes they go through, not only when solving problems themselves, but when determining how to help someone else. However, there’s always a tension that fills the room the second you say the word “groups.” There isn’t a single kid in the room still listening to your instructions! I rarely let my students choose their own groups. However, I don’t really have a great way to  ...

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