Becky Boer

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My Classroom Non-Negotiables

In my last blog entry, I considered ways that my beliefs have changed since I started teaching back in 2004. There are a lot. And of course, that’s a good thing. If there ever comes a point in my career when I stop learning, growing, and changing, I need to leave the classroom. One of the things that seems particularly striking to me now is how much my beliefs have changed regarding lesson plans. During my student teaching, the second grade team that I worked with used a gridded  ...

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Blogging Challenge Day 8 : In my desk drawer

What’s in your desk drawer, and what can you infer from those contents? More pens than I will ever be able to use – I love office supplies. Sticky notes of every color, shape, and size – My students know that I love office supplies. Notes from the office – I have a small “deal with this later” pile. I have to put it in a certain spot so that I do deal with it later; otherwise, I’ll forget it. A Tide-to-go pen – I can be messy sometimes. Also, so are  ...

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Blogging Challenge Day 5: My classroom

Post a picture of your classroom, and describe what you see – and what you don’t see that you’d like to. I love decorating my classroom. It’s one of my favorite parts of the school year. My goal is to make my classroom as comfortable and home-like as possible. I want my kids to love coming to school, and part of the way I try to achieve that is by providing them with an environment that feels warm and safe. I also like for my students to be as productive as possible, as any teacher  ...

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Blogging Challenge Day 1: Goals

Write your goals for the school year. Be as specific or abstract as you’d like to be! One of the most important jobs we have as teachers is to reflect on our school year and set new goals accordingly. Even veteran teachers (should) know that even the most successful practices can always benefit from revisions and adaptations. > Begin with the end in mind. – Stephen Covey I believe that when setting goals, you should consider your outcome first. You obviously have a reason for  ...

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