Becky Boer

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Teacher Blogging Challenge

I recently came across an article on TeachThought called “Reflective Teaching: A 30-Day Blogging Challenge for Teachers.” I’m a little late to the game, as this article was written in August of 2014. Still, it’s always a good idea to reflect on your methodology and practices, so I’ve decided to take on this challenge during the month of July. I’m listing the challenge questions below in case anyone wants to participate along with me! Reflective Teaching  ...

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Reflecting on Test Scores

Every year when standardized test scores are posted, I feel a ton of mixed emotions. I’m always super proud of some students – they’re the ones who worked really hard, fought the odds, and succeeded, or the ones who always did well, regardless of outside issues. There are always some that I want to call on the phone so I can shriek, “You did it, you passed!” And then on the other hand, there are always some scores that disappoint me. There might be a student  ...

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