Becky Boer

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Differentiation vs. Standardization – They go together!

Something has been bothering me for a while. I’ve seen it everywhere, from Facebook to blogs to Instagram. It’s this: I see that, and I immediately get frustrated. I have some questions/concerns for the people posting this meme. I’d like to ask these people – Is that meant to be a rhetorical question? I assume it is. I mean, if not – if it’s an actual, serious, “I’m confused about this” question – then I’m not sure the asker  ...

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Reflecting on Test Scores

Every year when standardized test scores are posted, I feel a ton of mixed emotions. I’m always super proud of some students – they’re the ones who worked really hard, fought the odds, and succeeded, or the ones who always did well, regardless of outside issues. There are always some that I want to call on the phone so I can shriek, “You did it, you passed!” And then on the other hand, there are always some scores that disappoint me. There might be a student  ...

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