Becky Boer


Blogging Challenge Day 6: Mentoring

Explain: What does a good mentor “do”? Experience is the teacher of all things. – Julius Caesar Nobody is a great teacher during his or her first year. Sounds harsh, but it’s true. Some people are acceptable teachers. Some are even good teachers. But during your first year, there’s just too much that you don’t know. And that’s okay, because you’ll learn. If you have a good mentor, the strides you make during that first year can be monumental. Daniel  ...

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Blogging Challenge Day 5: My classroom

Post a picture of your classroom, and describe what you see – and what you don’t see that you’d like to. I love decorating my classroom. It’s one of my favorite parts of the school year. My goal is to make my classroom as comfortable and home-like as possible. I want my kids to love coming to school, and part of the way I try to achieve that is by providing them with an environment that feels warm and safe. I also like for my students to be as productive as possible, as any teacher  ...

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Blogging Challenge Day 4: What do you love about teaching?

Respond: What do you love the most about teaching? My students. My students are, by far, the best part about my job. Sure, there are some who are difficult. There are some kids who don’t want to be at school. But ultimately, no matter how difficult they can be, every kid needs an adult who advocates for him or her. For some kids, I am the only one. In ten years, I’ve taught roughly 250 kids. I still think about those kids every day. Several of those students are my Facebook  ...

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Blogging Challenge Day 3: Observation

Discuss one “observation” area that you would like to improve on for your teacher evaluation. This is a difficult question for me to answer! There are lots of things I’d like to improve in my teaching, but in terms of observation areas, it’s tough. In ten years of teaching, I’ve been observed about four times, total. Three of those times were in the past two years! So I don’t feel like I’ve gotten much feedback from which to improve. However, I try to reflect  ...

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